Your Guide To Baby Wipes

Baby wipes have a BIG job, and they’ve become an essential part of daily life for many families. As their use has expanded over time, Pampers wipes have continually improved to meet consumer needs, with notable advances in features to help protect baby’s skin.

The skin in the diapering area can be difficult to clean because it has more folds and creases, and is consistently exposed to wetness, urine, and stool. Repeated exposure to the mess in a soiled diaper can increase skin pH and lead to irritation and diaper rash, which most babies experience at least once in their lives.

Dermatologically approved by Professionals

Pampers wipes research and safety data are independently reviewed, and approved to be safe in contact with baby’s skin by the Skin Health Alliance (SHA).The SHA independent dermatological committee reviewed the scientific research and safety data for Pampers wipes. They awarded Pampers Baby Wipes with SHA dermatological approval.

[CALL OUT] “Following a thorough and independent review by the Skin Health Alliance (SHA), Pampers wipes are accredited safe for baby’s delicate skin,” Mary Sommerland, Skin Health Alliance.

Baby Wipes Performance Features

Our wipes are intended for the diapering area but if you’re wondering if you can use baby wipes on your baby’s face, the answer is yes! They are also safe to use on your baby’s hands and face. All of our wipes do the following to help protect the skin:

  • Removemess and dirt

    • Optimized shape and softness to maximize contact with the skin without irritation.

    • Flexible enough to pick up mess/dirt from every crease and curve of the skin.

  • Dissolve mess and dirt

    • Wet enough to loosen water-soluble sticky mess/dirt.

    • Gentle lotion helps attract oily mess that water won’t pick up.

  • Absorb liquid

    • Combination of absorbent fibers and sponge-like spaces in the wipes soak up liquid .

  • Help restore pH

    • Maintains the skin’s natural pH better than water and washcloth.

With all those diaper changes, it’s common for parents to wonder “How many baby wipes do I need?” or if you’re creating your baby registry, “How many wipes to register for?” This all depends on the mess your little one makes in their diaper. On average, one to three wipes may be needed per diaper change; however, be prepared to use more for a dirty diaper.

So, to discover how many baby wipes you might need, find out how many diapers you need each day [] (Clue: a newborn needs an average of 10 diaper changes per day, which decreases as they get older).

Check out our tool below to find out how many diapers your baby may have used so far:

Why Is pH Important?

Scientifically speaking, pH is the level of which something is acidic or basic (on a scale from 1-14). According to recent clinical studies, managing infant skin pH is an important way parents and professionals can help keep a baby’s developing skin healthy.

Healthy infant skin has a natural pH level around 4.7-6, but diaper mess can increase the pH, which activates stool enzymes that will digest a baby’s skin, making it more susceptible to rashes. Pampers wipes counteract these irritants by introducing a pH balancing lotion to restore the skin’s natural pH.

Over the past several decades, multiple clinical studies have shown Pampers wipes to be mild, safe and effective cleaning products that can care for baby’s skin. In 2009, a scientific study compared Pampers wipes with water and cloth. The findings stated that water and washcloth did not maintain the skin pH at a normal level after cleaning, whereas the Pampers wipes were able to keep the pH below 6. Studies have also showed that using Pampers wipes can restore and maintain skin’s natural pH level, and lead to less erythema, helping maintain the health of your baby’s skin. You can find out more about our product’s materials and safety [] in our informative article.

Additionally, clinical studies have shown that using a wipe with pH balancing lotion, in combination with a super absorbent diaper, like Swaddlers, can actually improve the overall health of baby’s skin.

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What is the right diaper size for your baby?

Not sure if your baby’s diaper fits quite right? From leaks to comfort, finding the right size makes all the difference! Take our quick quiz to discover the best diaper size for your little one and say goodbye to leaks. Let’s find that perfect fit!

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Is Water Alone Good Enough?

Decades ago, a wet washcloth was the gold standard for cleaning a baby’s bottom; however, water itself cannot remove oily substances (like lipids in stool from the skin). Recent studies (including Pampers’) have also shown no advantages of using water over modern baby wipes, as it does not have a pH balancing ability.

In fact, many professionals have decided to instead recommend a modern wipe for their patients.

Over time, using water and cloth can also have a negative effect on skin. If washcloths and sponges are used, they can irritate your baby’s skin or even reintroduce germs if they are not properly cleaned.

How to Use Pampers Wipes on Your Baby Boy or Girl

How to Wipe a Baby Girl

When cleaning your baby girl’s diaper area, be extra careful to wipe from front to back. This helps reduce the risk infections, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), as these are especially common among girls. Don’t forget to gently and thoroughly clean between the folds of skin.

How to Wipe a Baby Boy

Cleaning your baby boys diaper area with baby wipes is similar to your baby girl, and front to back cleaning is still recommended. Additionally, you can cover his penis with a diaper or burp cloth while changing him to prevent any spraying if he decides to pee during his diaper change.

If you want to know how to wipe a baby with diaper rash, it’s pretty simple and similar to the information above. Use our fragrance and alcohol-free baby wipes, such as Pampers Sensitive Wipes and gently cleanse the area without rubbing. You can also apply a diaper rash ointment or barrier cream to the affected areas.

At Pampers, we strive to help parents feel confident about cleaning and caring for their little one’s skin. Learn more about how we provide safe, quality, science-backed products, for every baby.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, as well as Pampers’ own safety and product experts. When applicable, you can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.