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27 Weeks Pregnant

Your baby is the size of a


If you’re 27 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation as you prepare to enter the third trimester and your due date gets closer and closer. We’ll explore the physical, mental, and emotional changes and symptoms you may be experiencing at this stage in your pregnancy, as well as your baby’s development. You’ll also find helpful tips and advice on how to make these last couple of months as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Highlights at 27 Weeks Pregnant

There's a lot going on at 27 weeks pregnant. Here are a few highlights from this week:

  • Your little one may recognize your voice now, so keep talking and singing to them.

  • Your baby may be kicking and moving around a lot right now and might even change position inside your uterus at 27 weeks pregnant.

  • Along with your belly growing, aches and pains are normal when you're around 27 weeks pregnant but pay attention to any unusual pain or cramping. It may be helpful to learn the differences between true labor and Braxton Hicks contractions.

  • You’re nearly in your third trimester! And now might be a great time for a quick babymoon or narrowing down your baby name choices.


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27 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development

You’ve made it to the last week of your second trimester! And your baby is busy with various developments when you're 27 weeks pregnant.

  • Your baby’s skin may look smoother around 27 weeks as they gain more fat—they’re growing fast!

  • Your baby is working on their kicks and stretches and starting to make grasping motions.

  • They’re also starting to “smile,” especially when they’re sleeping.

  • After being fused shut for more than four months, your baby's eyelids can open again. Your little one can see the lights and shadows around them.

  • Your baby may be starting to recognize familiar voices now, most notably yours. At the sound of your voice, they might respond with movement and their heart rate may also slow down—meaning they’re calm and relaxed.

  • Know that at 27 weeks pregnant, your little one is continuing to be active, which means that the fetal position in your uterus can change. Your baby may continue to change positions up until the end of your pregnancy.

Learn more about the third trimester and what’s to come for both you and your baby in the final weeks of your pregnancy. The end is in sight now!

How Many Months Is 27 Weeks Pregnant?

How far along is 27 weeks pregnant and is it the third trimester? At 27 weeks pregnant, you are nearing the end of your second trimester and almost beginning the third trimester. Although the 40 weeks of pregnancy don’t fit neatly into nine distinct months, you’re often considered to be in month 6 when you’re 27 weeks pregnant.

Baby's Size at 27 Weeks Pregnant

How big is your baby at 27 weeks pregnant? Around this time, your little one is about the size of a cauliflower.

Your Baby: What Does 27 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

Take a look at this illustration to get a sense of how your baby is growing and developing. What a cutie!

Your Body at 27 Weeks Pregnant

Now that you’re getting closer and closer to that special day when your little one arrives, it may be helpful to read up on some topics like how to manage pain during labor and Braxton Hicks contractions versus true labor contractions. Learning more about what to expect can boost your confidence as your due date nears.

You may have some anxiety now that you’re in the home stretch of your pregnancy. You can try to ease your fears by reading up on all things related to labor, delivery, and the early days of parenthood.

Don’t forget to have a little fun along the way—it might help take your mind off any worries you have. Why not take our pregnancy personality quiz for a little distraction? Practicing yoga and making sure you get enough sleep at night are also good strategies for combating stress and boosting your mood.

27 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms

At 27 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:

  • Pelvic bone pain. During pregnancy, hormones cause certain joints and ligaments to loosen—this is your body preparing itself for labor. The joint connecting the two halves of your pelvis becomes more flexible around this time, and this can sometimes cause pelvic pain around 27 weeks pregnant or in the coming weeks. Try to avoid standing for long periods of time, and don't do any heavy lifting.

  • Constipation. Difficult or infrequent bowel movements can also crop up at this point in your pregnancy. The hormone progesterone can slow your digestion, and your growing uterus can also put pressure on your rectum. To try and prevent or alleviate this symptom, make sure to stay hydrated and include high-fiber foods in your diet. Fruits and veggies, whole-grain bread, and cereals are all good options. You can also ask your healthcare provider for safe over-the-counter remedies that may help.

  • Vaginal discharge. A clear or whitish vaginal discharge is normal and may even increase during your pregnancy. However, if you notice changes in its color, consistency, or odor, it may indicate an infection like bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection. Talk to your healthcare provider if you notice any such changes. Your provider will assess your symptoms and, if necessary, recommend treatment.

  • Skin pigmentation changes. Throughout your pregnancy, your body ramps up its production of melanin, which is the pigment that can make skin appear darker. You may notice your nipples are darker, and you may have developed a dark vertical line called the linea nigra running down from your belly button. Some pregnant people also get brownish patches on the cheeks, nose, and forehead called chloasma. These changes in skin tone are usually temporary and should fade after you give birth. Be sure to stay out of the sun, or, if you must go out, protect yourself as much as possible. UV exposure can exacerbate these dark patches.

  • Vivid dreams. It’s not uncommon to have some strange dreams during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. These can be entertaining but may sometimes interfere with getting a good night's sleep.

  • Cramping. If you experience abdominal cramping (with or without diarrhea), lower abdominal pain or pressure, constant dull back pain, bleeding, or frequent contractions at 27 weeks pregnant or going forward, this could be a sign or symptom of preterm labor. Contact your healthcare provider if you notice any frequent or prolonged abdominal cramps that don’t improve over time.

How Big Is a Pregnant Belly at 27 Weeks?

By now, your fundal height—the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus—likely measures about 25 to 28 centimeters (around 10 to 11 inches). This usually corresponds to the number of weeks you are pregnant, but your healthcare provider will probably measure you at each visit to check on the size of your uterus and the growth progress of your baby.

At 27 weeks pregnant, you’re probably still adjusting to the changing size of your bump and pregnancy weight gain, and you may notice a few new aches and pains as your belly grows.

What Does 27 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

For a general idea of what your belly bump might look like in your sixth month of pregnancy, around 27 weeks pregnant, check out the image below.

27 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider

It’s natural to have a lot going through your mind at 27 weeks pregnant. Making lists and asking for help can go a long way in supporting you through your final trimester. Here are some things to consider during this period.

  • How is your exercise routine going? If you're searching for another way to get moving, consider making swimming part of your regular fitness activities, especially at 27 weeks pregnant when your belly is continuing to grow. Swimming offers a great cardio workout, is easier on your joints than other forms of exercise, and may help alleviate any aches and pains you may be feeling. If you’re pregnant during the hot summer months, swimming could be a great way to keep cool when you’re feeling less than comfortable.

  • Now is the time to let your healthcare provider know if you would like to collect and store your baby’s cord blood. Cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord and placenta after birth and contains stem cells that may be used to treat certain diseases. You may be eligible to donate to a public cord blood bank, in which case your baby’s cord blood would be available for use by anyone who is considered a match, similar to a blood bank. Or you may wish to store your baby’s cord blood in a private bank, which charges fees for collection and storage. Note that there is a very low likelihood that your baby’s cord blood would be effective in treating any diseases or conditions they or other immediate family members might face. Your provider will be able to give you more information about cord blood banking and the options that may be available to you.

  • If preliminary blood tests showed that you are Rh negative, your provider may give you a shot of Rh immune globulin sometime in weeks 24 to 28 in case your baby is positive. This will keep your body from producing antibodies to any of your baby's blood cells that may have crept into your circulation. Your baby will be tested right after birth; if they are positive, you'll be given another shot of Rh immune globulin to protect future pregnancies.

  • Use this time to think of some of the finer details of your birth plan if you’re having one. For example, if you would like your birth partner to have the experience of cutting the umbilical cord, ask your healthcare provider about this in advance, as there probably won’t be time to discuss it at the moment of delivery. Check with your birth partner as well, to make sure they feel comfortable with it. Keep in mind that no birth is entirely predictable, but your provider will do what they can to ensure your preferences are followed, whenever it’s safe to do so.

  • If your nesting instincts are kicking in, you’d might like to use this time to do some things around the home, whether it’s organizing wardrobes, writing a list of any little things that need fixing around the home, or getting started with baby proofing. Don’t overdo it though—always make time for some rest, and ask for help for anything that might be dangerous for you to do right now, like scaling a ladder, for example.

  • Now might be a good time to go on a babymoon before your little one arrives and while you still feel comfortable enough to travel. Check with your healthcare provider first if you’re thinking of taking a flight.

27 Weeks Pregnant: Questions for Your Healthcare Provider

Here are some questions that you might ask your healthcare provider now or in the coming weeks:

27 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist

Here are a few to-dos for you to consider at 27 weeks pregnant:

☐ If you don't have health insurance, go to to learn about coverage through Medicaid, CHIP, and other programs in your state.

☐ If you haven’t already, you may want to put together a baby registry to make sure you have everything you need before your baby arrives. If you’ll be having a baby shower thrown in your honor, your host might want to share your registry with guests, either with the shower invitations or separately.

☐ Make sure any baby gear and furniture you plan to use, like the crib, changing table, and car seat, meet the latest safety standards. You might want to check for any recent product recalls, and do plenty of research before buying new or used baby products. Consumer Reports is a reputable place to start.

☐ To learn more about birth plans, download and print our birth plan guide. You don’t need to decide now, but you might like to prepare one for your labor and delivery.

☐ If you’re interested in hiring a trained labor coach, also known as a doula, to assist with your labor, ask your healthcare provider for recommendations and start interviewing candidates. A doula can provide valuable emotional support and advice during and after labor.

☐ Check out the best baby gear as recommended by Pampers Parents.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.