11 Weeks Pregnant - page
11 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Your little one’s heart has been beating furiously for weeks, but it’s only just become loud enough to hear. A fetus’s heart beats twice as fast as yours, anywhere between 120 and 160 beats per minute. The heart has become a proper four-chambered structure over the last month, although some of the dividing walls won’t be complete until after birth.
A fine layer of skin has been forming over your baby’s body during the last few weeks. Another layer will develop into thicker fingernails and toenails.
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How Big is Your Baby at Eleven Weeks?
Your baby is the size of a brussels sprout. Your little one has grown quite a bit since last week: crown to rump length is now 2 inches. Your tiny resident’s head alone is nearly half the length of the body, which shows you how rapidly baby is growing into a little genius!

Mom’s Body at 11 Weeks Pregnant
If you’re noticing strange food cravings this week, you’re not imagining things! Some experts believe that these cravings are your body’s way of telling you what it needs. Others disagree. While no one really knows why craving occur during pregnancy, there’s no question that nearly every expectant woman has a yearning for particular foods.
11 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
More Breast Growth – Most women notice that their breasts are larger now that the first trimester is coming close to an end, and you can expect to see even more growth as your pregnancy progresses.
Vaginal Discharge Increases– Your body is releasing more clear vaginal discharge now. It’s normal as long as it is odorless and clear to white in color; if you notice changes including blood, itchiness, or a foul odor, contact your doctor to rule out problems.
Linea Nigra: The “Pregnancy Line” – Don’t be alarmed if you notice that you have developed a long, dark line that runs vertically down the center of your belly. This line is completely natural, so there’s nothing to worry about. Linea nigra darkens as a result of pregnancy hormones and typically fades after your baby’s birth.
Looking for a Bump – You might be checking the mirror to see if you can spot a bump forming, but don’t worry if you’re still having some trouble making out a clearly defined round shape! Most women see definite changes to their bellies during the second trimester. You’re getting closer!
Painful Leg Cramps – There are a lot of demands on your body right now. If your mineral stores are being depleted, then you are probably noticing tight, painful leg cramps, particularly at night. Be sure that your diet is giving you enough calcium, magnesium and potassium, and be sure that you’re staying hydrated. Stretching can help with leg cramps, and so can exercise. Try to treat both activities as preventative measures; make them a part of each day and you’ll probably find that you feel better.
Ongoing Tiredness – Waking to urinate, having leg cramps, and hormonal changes come together to create the perfect storm, keeping you awake in the middle of the night. This, combined with the increased demands on your body, makes you feel like you haven’t slept in months.
Fluctuating Mood Swings – Stressful situations can make your mood swings more pronounced and so can a lack of sleep. Try to keep yourself on an even keel by avoiding things that stress you out, and try to get a few extra winks when you can. Now is a good time to try yoga, learn how to do simple meditation, or relax while listening to soft music.
Queasiness – You might continue to experience morning sickness at 11 weeks, or you may notice that you feel nauseous in the evening. Both symptoms are completely normal. You may start to see them decline in the coming weeks.
11 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
“C” Baby Grow! While you’re pregnant, you need 80 to 100 milligrams of vitamin C every day. Vitamin C helps your baby to build new cells and develop healthy bones and teeth. Adding oranges, papaya, strawberries, and broccoli to your diet can easily increase your vitamin C intake. Pick up more tips on eating well during pregnancy.
Have you created your baby registry yet? You can start to do this even if you haven’t shared the news of your pregnancy. Alternately, you can simply begin to make a wish list and narrow down your choices so that you’ll know what you want to add to your registry later.
11 Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Doctor
Call your doctor if you suffer from abdominal pain or mid-level back pain, especially if it comes with vomiting and nausea.
Is it time for the Rh test? During your pregnancy, you will be tested for a protein called the Rh factor. Even if you are negative, but baby’s father is Rh-positive, your child may be Rh-positive. This condition could have serious health consequences for your little one, as your body may make antibodies against his or her Rh-positive blood. But don’t worry! It is treatable by an injection of a substance called Rhogam. If you need this injection, it will be administered between weeks 28 and 29 of your pregnancy. You may also receive an injection after you’ve given birth; it’s intended to provide protection during future pregnancies.
Is it time for an ultrasound? It’s normal to get one between now and week 12, although some health care providers prefer to take a peek at your little one a bit earlier. You might wonder about gender prediction. It’s probably too early to tell at this point, so don’t be disappointed if your doctor isn’t able to provide specific details.
Chance of miscarriage this week still depends on a variety of factors. Be sure to discuss your concerns with your doctor since he or she will be able to provide you with personalized advice.