Ultimate Guide to Hosting a Diaper Raffle (Including Free Printables)
Want to make a baby shower even more fun and rewarding for the party guests? How about creating a diaper stash and adding a diaper raffle to the schedule of activities? A Diaper stash is an easy way to help share diapering costs with the parents-to-be, and a diaper raffle is an entertaining way to collect these funds or diapers for the newborn—and a helpful gesture to the new parents. And guests will enjoy participating, especially when prizes are involved! Read on to find out more about creating a diaper stash and planning a diaper raffle for a baby shower, learn how a raffle works, and download free printouts for an invitation and raffle tickets.
What Is a Diaper Raffle and How Does It Work?
A diaper raffle is exactly what it sounds like, but instead of baby shower guests purchasing a raffle ticket with cash, guests receive a raffle ticket for every package of diapers they bring to the shower.
The way a diaper raffle works is relatively simple:
guests are asked in advance by the baby shower host to bring a package of diapers
for each package they bring, they receive a raffle ticket, an entry into the raffle for a chance to win a prize.
The raffle tickets can be filled out with the guests’ name during the baby shower, or they can be sent along with the invitations. Once all the raffle tickets are collected by a designated person (whether that’s the host or someone else), the tickets can be added to a bowl, and a winner or winners can be chosen.
Diaper raffles offer a fun way to collect diapers for the new baby and parents, and a raffle can be relatively cost-effective for the baby shower organizers since prizes can be inexpensive and few in number. For example, a baby shower host may decide to offer just one to three prizes—a grand prize, and maybe one or two runners-up.
And if you want to modernize your diaper raffle by using Pampers Diaper Stash instead of gifting actual diapers, our sections below will discuss the numerous benefits of using Diaper Stash and how to incorporate it into your diaper raffle.
How to Use Diaper Stash for a Diaper Raffle
As mentioned above, a traditional diaper raffle involves guests bringing packs of diapers to a baby shower in exchange for raffle tickets. By incorporating Diaper Stash into the raffle, the process can be modernized and made more practical.
Create a Diaper Stash. The parents or shower organizer can create a Diaper Stash by clicking the link below.
Share with friends and family. The host can either provide a link to the Stash in the baby shower invitation or set up a station at the shower with a tablet or smartphone for guests to make their contributions (before the diaper raffle begins).
Give guests raffle tickets. For each contribution, guests receive a raffle ticket.
Have fun! Start the raffle and see who wins prizes for their contributions to the Diaper Stash.
Use the Stash funds to buy Pampers diapers and wipes. The parents-to-be can leave the party with a full-funded Stash from loved ones to spend online or in-store.
How to Throw a Diaper Raffle
Here are some important aspects to think about when planning for a diaper raffle at a baby shower.
Diaper Raffle Wording Ideas for the Baby Shower Invitations
First, you’ll need to notify the guests that a diaper raffle will be happening at the baby shower. Adding a diaper raffle announcement to the baby shower invitation card is a good place to start.
Next, determine the rules of the diaper raffle game and let the guests know. For example, tell everyone that each contribution to the Diaper Stash or package of diapers gets them a raffle ticket, and that they can contribute or bring as many packages as they like to boost their chances of winning a prize.
When it comes to the diaper raffle wording in the baby shower invitation, you could choose something straightforward or go for something that's more creative or even funny. Here are some diaper raffle wording ideas to consider:
Contribute to the Diaper Stash for an entry into our fun diaper raffle! Show your support by using the following link: [add your own Diaper Stash link for guests to use].
Bring a package of diapers to enter a raffle for the chance to win a grand prize!
Don't be a party pooper—bring diapers! And be entered into a raffle to win prizes!
Help us get ready for baby booty duty! Bring diapers and you could win big!
Participate in a diaper raffle for a chance to win a prize! All you need is a pack of diapers.
Ideas for Diaper Raffle Prizes
Begin by deciding how many prizes you plan to offer. You could have just one prize for the diaper raffle winner, or you could do more. You could categorize the prizes as “grand prize,” “runners-up,” “first prize,” “second,” “third,” and so on.
Next, think about the actual prizes you’d like to give out. These could include a bottle of wine, a gift certificate to a spa, or a gift basket of gourmet goodies—really anything that you like. You may even want to let your guests know about the prizes in the invitation—this may incentivize their participation even more.
Diaper Raffle Table
If you go with the traditional idea of asking guests to bring diapers, it’s a good idea to have a table set up at the baby shower for all the diapers that guests will bring. It can also hold the raffle tickets that guests can fill out and the bowl for collecting them.
The table can also display the prize or prizes, especially if they’re large prizes, like gift baskets.
Designate a helper who can usher guests to the table, take their diaper packages, and help them fill out their raffle tickets.
And feel free to add some decorations to the table, such as a diaper cake—it certainly fits the theme! Check out the video below to learn how to make a diaper cake:
Free Printouts
To help you with your diaper raffle planning, take advantage of these free printable diaper raffle tickets as well as printable baby shower invitations with wording for a diaper raffle.
The Bottom Line
When planning a baby shower, consider adding a diaper raffle to the list of games and activities. Be sure to let guests know about the diaper raffle in the baby shower invitations. This way, they can plan to contribute to the Diaper Stash or bring a package of diapers to the event. You could incentivize the game even further by mentioning the prize in the invitation. In addition to organizing a diaper raffle, you may like to check out other fun baby shower games and activities. And if you’re planning a virtual party, we've assembled some great virtual baby shower games to play online with your guests.
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