150 Popular Mexican Names (and Other Names in Mexico) for Boys and Girls

If you’re considering a traditional Hispanic name for your baby, we’ve compiled an extensive list of the most popular Mexican baby names and other favorite monikers found in Mexico. Although not all the names on this list are Mexican in origin, they’re still used throughout the country, with many having Latin American origin. We’ve also added some cute and unique options for more inspiration! Read on for 150 Mexican boy and girl names, along with their meanings.

Popular Boy Names in Mexico

If you’re looking for a popular or trendy baby boy name from Mexico or with Latin American origins, the following were the top 10 Mexican baby names for boys in the United States in 2020. Some parents like choosing a popular name, as it’s guaranteed to fit in well with your little one’s generation.

1. Daniel. Originally from Hebrew, this name means “God is my judge.” It’s a powerful and traditional name that’s not only the most popular Mexican boy name but is also a popular name in many other places and cultures. In Mexico, it’s usually pronounced dah-nyehl.

2. Mateo. Coming in second is Mateo, pronounced mah-TEH-oh, the Spanish form of Matthew. As a Mexican boys’ name, it has stood the test of time and remains a popular staple in the country. In the United States, it had a rise in popularity in the 2010s. Matthew means “gift of Yahweh” in reference to the Hebrew god.

3. David. Another staple in Mexico, David is pronounced DAH-beed in many Latin American countries. It’s a traditional name with roots in the Hebrew language and means “beloved.”

4. Gabriel. This name is traditional in several major religions, such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It means “God is my strength.” In Latin American countries, the name is typically pronounced gah-BRYEHL while rolling the R.

5. Santiago. Derived from the Spanish words for “saint” and “James,” this name may also come from a word meaning “supplanter.” You can pronounce it sahn-TYAH-goh.

6. Ángel. Derived from the Greek word meaning “messenger,” this popular Mexican boys’ name refers to the heavenly beings from the Bible. It’s pronounced AHNG-hehl.

7. José. A classic Latin American name, José relates to the name Joseph, which has popular variations in several other European languages. It means “may God add to.”

8. Diego. Many believe this popular Mexican baby name is simply a shortened version of Santiago, which means “supplanter.” It’s pronounced DYEH-goh.

9. Luis. Pronounced LWEES, this Spanish boys’ name comes from the moniker Louis, which is rooted in French royal history and means “famous warrior.”

10. Juan. This simple and classic name is a strong and traditional one that means “gracious” or “merciful.” It’s a form of the English name John.


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Popular Girl Names in Mexico

If you’re looking for names for you little niña, below are the top 10 Mexican girl names in 2020. Even if you don’t choose a popular girl’s name, these names can still be a source of inspiration!

11. Olivia. In Spain and Chile as well as Mexico, Olivia is a popular Spanish girls’ name. It’s believed that this lively and playful name comes from the Latin word that means “olive.”

12. Luna. This whimsical name means “moon” and is derived from Latin. Luna has been used in Mexico for quite some time and has recently risen in popularity in the United States.

13. Elena. Meaning “shining light” and pronounced eh-LEH-nah, this beautiful moniker means “torch” and is a form of the name Helen. It’s one of the most popular Mexican girls’ names, and you’ll find it in other Latin American and Hispanic countries, too.

14. Ana. This graceful name is a form of Anna and pronounced AH-nah. Used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament, this name means “favor” or “grace.”

15. Gabriela. Derived from the masculine name Gabriel, this name has roots in Hebrew. It means “God is my strength.”

16. Sara. This simple and sweet Hispanic girl name comes from Hebrew and means “lady” or “princess.” As a Mexican girl name, it’s had its ups and downs in terms of popularity but is currently trending in the United States. It’s pronounced SAH-rah.

17. María. Many believe this beautiful and traditional name means “wished for child,” “beloved,” or “love,” among other meanings. It’s the Latin form of the English name Mary.

18. Isabel. A medieval Occitan version of Elizabeth, this name imparts a sense of prestige and confidence. It means “my God is an oath” or “devoted to God” and is pronounced ee-sah-BEHL.

19. Adriana. The meaning of this evocative name is “dark.” The name is the feminine form of Adrian, which was the moniker of six popes and several saints. It’s pronounced ah-DRYAH-nah while rolling the R.

20. Andrea. The feminine version of Andrew, Andrea is a popular Hispanic girl name that means “womanly” or “courageous.” In Mexico, it’s commonly pronounced ahn-DREH-ah with a rolled R.

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Unique Mexican Boy Names

Perhaps you’re hunting for an unusual or unique Mexican name for your baby boy. Unique boy names can offer both beautiful sounds and interesting meanings.

21. Agustín. Meaning “exalted” and “venerable,” this royal and powerful name comes from the moniker Augustus and is pronounced ah-goos-TEEN.

22. Armando. The Spanish form of Herman, this strong name means “army man.”

23. Cedro. As the short form of Isadoro or a form of Cedric, Cedro is pronounced SEH-droh and means “love.”

24. Cortez. As a variant of Cortés, the name means “polite” or “courteous.”

25. Elvio. A name with Latin origins, Elvio means “fair” or “blonde.”

26. Erasmo. This unique Mexican boys’ name is the Spanish version of Erasmus. Erasmo means “beloved.” Elmo is another derivative of the name, but more popular in Italy.

27. Fernando. A form of the name Ferdinand, this lyrical Hispanic name means “adventurer” or “brave voyager.”

28. Francisco. This name means “free” or “free man.” It’s also rooted in the name Francis, which means “Frenchman.”

29. Gustavo. As the Spanish and Portuguese form of Gustav, this historical name means “royal staff.” It’s pronounced goos-TAH-vo.

30. Hugo. Hugo, pronounced OO-goh, is the Latin form of the name Hugh, which comes from the Germanic element hug. Although it doesn’t mean “hug,” it does have a very sweet meaning as “heart, mind, and spirit.”

31. Ignacio. As the Spanish form of Ignatius, the name comes from the Latin word ignis, meaning “fire.” It’s pronounced eeg-NAH-syoh.

32. Rubén. Of all the old-fashioned boy names, is the Spanish form of the name Reuben might be the cutest! It means “behold, a son” in Hebrew.

33. Salvador. From the Late Latin name meaning “savior,” this name is a classic in Latin American culture but has become less commonly used in recent years. Today, it’s a unique boys’ name in Mexico and other countries. You may recognize the name from the Surrealist artist Salvador Dalí.

34. Santos. Meaning “saint,” this traditional Hispanic name could be perfect for your little angel.

35. Sergio. From both Spanish and Italian, this historic name is thought to mean “servant.” In Latin America, it’s typically pronounced SEHR-hyoh.

36. Tácito. As one of the most rare and unique Mexican boy names, Tácito relates to the moniker Tacitus. Meaning “silent” in Latin, this was the name of a first-century Roman historian.

37. Tomás. Meaning “twin,” this name is the Spanish form of Thomas. If you’re looking for twin baby names, you might want to name one of your twins Tomás, pronounced toh-MAHS.

38. Vicente. Pronounced bee-SEHN-teh and as the Latin form of Vincent, this name has the interesting meanings of “to conquer” or “prevailing.”

If you’re looking for Mexican baby names you probably already know that choosing a baby name can be exciting yet also overwhelming. Whichever type or origin of name you’re looking for, watch this video for some fun facts that can inspire you.

Unique Mexican Girl Names

There are also plenty of unique Mexican girl names, as well as other rare Latin American girls’ names that are used in Mexico. These names are currently less popular but have beautiful pronunciations or boast interesting meanings.

39. Aida. This graceful and simple name means “help” and is typically pronounced ah-EED-ah. It might also be related to the Arabic word meaning “visitor” or “returning.”

40. Ainara. Although Ainara has Basque origins and is a variant of the name Enara, it’s still used in other places outside of the Basque region, including Mexico and the United States. It means “swallow” and is pronounced ay-NAH-rah.

41. Araceli. Pronounced ah-rah-SEH-lee, this unique Hispanic baby name means “altar of heaven” or “altar of the sky” and has roots in Latin.

42. Aracely. A different spelling of the name Araceli, but with the same pronunciation, this striking and unique Mexican girl name also means “altar of the sky.” The meaning comes from a combination of the Greek words ara and coeli.

43. Bianca. A derivative of the French name Blanche, this bright name means “white” or “fair.”

44. Candela. A shortened form of Candelaria, this name comes from the Spanish word that means “candle.” You can shorten this name further to Candie or Candee.

45. Consuela. Pronounced kon-SWEH-la, this is variant of Consuelo, which means “consolation.” Similar to other Mexican girl names on this list, it’s a Spanish title for the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, meaning "Our Lady of Consolation.”

46. Dulsie. If you like the name Dulce, meaning “sweet,” you could choose to spell it Dulsie for a unique spin on this adorable moniker.

47. Fernanda. This bright name is a Spanish feminine form of Ferdinand. It loosely means “adventurous,” coming from a Germanic name meaning “journey” and “brave” or “daring.”

48. Jacinta. Pronounced hah-SEEN-tah, this is the Spanish and Portuguese form of the name Hyacinthus, meaning “hyacinth,” after the beautiful flower.

49. Lareina. In Spanish, la reina means “the queen,” so this is the perfect moniker if you’re looking for royal baby names! It’s pronounced lah-REY-nah.

50. Lola. A shortened form of Dolores, this name comes from the Spanish title for the Virgin Mary, María de los Dolores, meaning “Mary of Sorrows.” This name is also said to mean “strong.”

51. Maite. Pronounced MIE-teh, this name either means “lovable” or is a unique combination of the names María and Teresa. If the latter, María means “beloved” and Teresa means “summer” or “to harvest.”

52. Malena. A short form of Magdalena, this lyrical Hispanic name is reminiscent of Mary Magdalene in the Bible. It also has a beautiful pronunciation of mah-LEH-nah.

53. Marisol. Pronounced mah-ree-SOHL, this uncommon and unique Mexican girls name means “bitter sun.”

54. Mireya. A variant spelling of Mireia, this name relates to the French moniker Mireille, meaning “to admire.” In Mexico and many Latin American countries, it’s typically pronounced mee-REYJ-ah.

55. Soledad. Meaning “solitude” in Spanish, this unique Mexican girls’ name is another title for the Virgin Mary, María de Soledad, meaning "Mary of Solitude." It has a beautiful pronunciation, soh-leh-DAHD.

56. Paloma. From the Spanish word meaning “dove,” this elegant name evokes a sense of strength.

57. Ximena. Pronounced hee-MEH-nah in Mexico, this is the feminine form of Ximeno, which means “son.” But it could also come from the name Simon, meaning “he has heard.”

Cute Mexican Boy Names

Many of the names on our list have very cute and sweet meanings—there’s no shortage of adorable options for you! Below you’ll find even more Latin American and Mexican boy names with cute sounds and meanings.

58. Arturo. The meaning of this popular Hispanic name, which comes from the name Arthur, is under debate, though it’s possibly derived from the combination of two Celtic words meaning “bear” and “king.” Pronounced ahr-TOO-oh, this name could be perfect for your little bear cub or prince!

59. César. This powerful name is a variant of Caesar and might make you think of various Roman emperors. The name is thought to mean “long-haired” and is pronounced SEH-sahr.

60. Darío. As the Spanish version of Darius, this name has Persian origins and means “possessing goodness.”

61. Eduardo. This bold name means “prosperous guardian,” and is the Spanish and Portuguese version of the English name Edward. It’s pronounced eh-DWAR-doh with a rolled R.

62. Enrique. This strong name means “ruler of an estate” and is the Spanish form of Henry. You can pronounce it ehn-RREE-keh while rolling the R.

63. Esteban. The Hispanic form of Stephen, this popular boys’ name means “crown” or “wreath.” It’s pronounced ehs-TEH-bahn.

64. Eugenio. A name with the cute pronunciation of eyoo-HEH-nyoh, this name is the Spanish form of Eugene, which means “well born.”

65. Gerardo. Pronounced heh-RAHR-doh with two trilled Rs, this name means “rules by the spear.” It’s the Spanish version of Gerard.

66. Javier. This cute Mexican boys’ name is loaded with charisma, as it means “bright” and “splendid.” It originates from a Basque place name, Etxeberria, which means “new house.” In Mexico and some other Latin American and Hispanic countries, the name has the unique pronunciation of hah-BYEHR.

67. Jesús. Coming from Greek origins, this traditional Hispanic name means “to save” or “salvation.” It’s pronounced heh-SOOS.

68. Manuel. A shortened but impactful version of the name Emmanuel, Manuel means “God is with us.” It’s pronounced mah-NWEHL.

69. Mario. The name Mario has a cute sound but a strong meaning. This Hispanic moniker may be derived from the name of the Roman god of war, Mars, so it could mean “warring” or simply “male.”

70. Óscar. Possibly derived from Gaelic words meaning “deer” and “friend,” this name is a classic and one of the cutest Mexican boy names. It’s pronounced OHS-kahr.

71. Pancho. If you like the name Francisco from above but want a cute variation, try Pancho, the Spanish diminutive of the name Francisco. It also means “free” or “Frenchman.”

72. Pascual. Pronounced pahs-KWAHL, this moniker originates from the name Pascal, which comes from a Latin name meaning “relating to Easter.” In many languages and cultures, the word for Easter is spelled similarly, such as Pascua/Pasqua in Spanish/Italian, Páska in Icelandic, Pâques in French, and the word Пасха (pronounced Paskha) in Russian.

73. Rafael. A form of Raphael, which is a name that you can find in several different languages, this sweet Mexican version means “God has healed” or “God heals.”

74. Ramón. Coming from the name Raymond, this historical name is derived from words meaning “advice” and “protector” or “wise protector.” It’s pronounced rrah-MOHN.

75. Raúl. Pronounced, rrah-OOL, this cute Mexican boys’ name means “wolf counsel.” It’s a form of the English name Ralph, and your son will surely love being associated with such an adorable and powerful animal!

76. Rico. As the short form of Ricardo or Enrico, Rico (pronounced RREE-koh) can mean “brave ruler” like the name Richard or “home ruler” like the name Henry.

77. Sebastián. The Spanish version of Sebastian, this name is pronounced seh-bahs-TYAHN and has two potential meanings. It either means “from Sebaste,” an ancient town in modern-day Turkey, or relates to the Greek word for “venerable.”

78. Víctor. Meaning “conqueror” and, directly, “victor,” this bold name is commonly shortened to Vic in Mexico. It’s typically pronounced BEEK-tohr.

Whether you’re new to parenting or just need a refresher, get ready for little Rico or Lola with our downloadable new parent guide below!

Cute Mexican Girl Names

Just as you’ll find boy names in Mexico with sweet meanings and sounds, you’ll also find plenty of cute Mexican girl names (and other Latin American names or those found in Mexico).

79. Adela. Coming from a German word meaning “noble,” this graceful name certainly evokes a sense of power and strength.

80. Alma. The cute girl's name Alma has a few potential meanings. It either relates to the Latin word almus meaning “nourishing” or the Spanish word for “the soul.” However, it’s also a Hebrew word meaning “young woman.”

81. Amalia. Pronounced ah-MAH-lyah, this is the Latin version of the German name Amala. The name has a sweet pronunciation but the strong meaning of “work.”

82. Antonia. The feminine form of Antonius, this name has Etruscan origins. It’s thought to mean “priceless” or “flourishing.”

83. Carmen. As the medieval Spanish form of the name Carmel, which means “garden,” this charming moniker comes from the Latin word for “song.”

84. Elisa. This Mexican girls’ name has quite a cute ring to it! It means “devoted to God” and is the shortened form of Elisabeth. It’s rooted in the Greek form of the Hebrew name Elisheva and is typically pronounced eh-LEES-ah in Mexico and other Latin American and Hispanic countries.

85. Francisca. The Spanish and Portuguese feminine form of Franciscus, this confident name means “free.” It’s pronounced frahn-SEES-kah.

86. Gloria. From another Spanish title for the Virgin Mary, María da Gloria, this evocative name means “glory.”

87. Guadalupe. Meaning “named for the Virgin Mary,” this classic Hispanic moniker is a nice choice if you’re looking for biblical baby names. It also has the cute pronunciation of gwah-dah-LOO-peh.

88. Inés. As the Spanish form of the classic name Agnes, Inés means “chaste.” It’s pronounced ee-NEHS.

89. Josefina. As a Mexican girls’ name, Josefina has the cute and melodic pronunciation of hoh-seh-FEE-nah. It’s the feminine form of Joseph and means “He will add” or “God will multiply.”

90. Juana. Pronounced HWAH-nah, this is the Spanish form of Joanna and the feminine version of Juan. It means “gracious” or “God’s gift.”

91. Leticia. A sweet name meaning “happy,” this is one of the cutest Mexican girl names! It originates from Latin and is pronounced leh-TEES-syah.

92. Lucía. The meaning of this name is derived from the Latin word for “light.” This enchanting name is the feminine form of Lucius and pronounced loo-SEE-ah.

93. Luisa. Like the male name Luis, this traditional moniker is the Spanish form of Louis, but also its feminine form. Its meaning is quite powerful as “renowned warrior.”

94. Lupe. A short form of the classic Mexican girl’s name Guadalupe, it comes from the Latin word meaning “wolf.”

95. Rosa. A soft-sounding name, it means “rose” and is just as classic as the fragrant flower. It originates from a Germanic name and is pronounced RROH-sah with a trilled R in many Latin American and Hispanic countries.

96. Silvia. With Latin origins, this elegant name means “wood” or “forest,” so it’s the perfect nature-inspired baby name! Cute and classic, Silvia (pronounced SEEL-viyah) has stood the test of time, as it’s the feminine form of the ancient Roman name Silvius.

97. Verónica. Derived from the Latin name Berenice, the name means “true image.” It’s pronounced beh-ROH-nee-kah.

98. Yolanda. Meaning “violet,” this inspiring moniker is from the medieval French name Yolande. It’s pronounced yoh-LAHN-dah.

Mexican Boy Names That Relate to English Names

Perhaps you’d like a baby name that relates to a more classic moniker in the United States. You’ll find plenty of Mexican boy names that are the Spanish or Latin forms of English names, which are great options if you’d like to name your baby after a family member with an English title or from an older generation.

99. Alejandro. This Hispanic name is a classic, as is its English counterpart, Alexander. It means “defending men” and is pronounced ah-leh-HAHN-droh.

100. Alfredo. The Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian form of Alfred, this energetic name is derived from the two Old English words meaning “elf” and “counsel.” It’s pronounced ahl-FREH-doh.

101. Andrés. As both a common Mexican boys’ name as Andrés, and an English name as Andrew, this moniker means “masculine” or “manly.” It’s pronounced ahn-DREHS with a trilled R.

102. Antonio. You’ll find this common Mexican boys’ name in both Spanish and Italian. It’s been incorrectly linked to a Greek word meaning “flower,” but it’s the namesake of a first century BCE ruler of the Roman Empire, Marcus Antonius.

103. Carlos. Meaning “strong and manly,” this name is the Spanish form of the name Charles.

104. Felipe. Perhaps a good choice for a future equestrian, this name means “loves horses” and comes from the English name Philip. It’s pronounced feh-LEE-peh.

105. Guillermo. Pronounced gee-YEHR-moh, this powerful name means “resolute protector” and is the Spanish form of William.

106. Jaime. This name is the Spanish and Portuguese form of James and means “supplanter.” Jaime is a very common Mexican boys’ name and is pronounced HIE-meh.

107. Julio. This playful name is derived from Julius and means “youth.” It’s pronounced HOO-lyoh.

108. Miguel. Pronounced mee-GHEL, this is the Spanish version of the biblical name Michael, which means “who is like God.”

109. Pedro. Another fairly common Mexican boys’ name, this solid moniker means “rock” or “stone.” It’s the Spanish and Portuguese form of Peter and is derived from Greek.

110. Martín. This simple and bold name means “warring” and partly derives from the name of the Roman god Mars, much like the name Mario. It’s pronounced mahr-TEEN.

111. Pablo. The Spanish form of the name Paul, this traditional moniker means “little one” or “humble.”

112. Ricardo. Meaning “strong ruler,” Ricard is the Spanish version of Richard and is pronounced rree-KAHR-doh.

113. Roberto. The Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese form of Robert, this very common Mexican boys’ name means “bright” or “famous.”

Mexican Girl Names That Relate to Common English Names

Likewise, you’ll also find many Mexican girl names that are the Hispanic or Latin American version of common English names. You can opt for the Spanish form of classics like Alexandra, Margaret, Theresa, and more!

114. Alejandra. The Spanish form of Alexandra, meaning “defender of mankind,” this beautiful and powerful name has roots in Greek mythology. Like its male counterpart Alejandro, it’s pronounced ah-leh-HAHN-drah.

115. Alexa. The shortened form of Alexandra also means “defender of mankind” and has a second meaning, “help.”

116. Alicia. A Latin form of Alice, this playful name might have origins in a Germanic moniker meaning “noble” or a Greek name meaning “truth.” In Mexico and other Hispanic and Latin American countries, it’s pronounced ah-LEE-syah.

117. Angelina. This heavenly Hispanic name means “angel” and is the feminine form of the Latin name Angelus. It’s pronounced ahng-heh-LEE-nah.

118. Bárbara. Derived from the Greek word meaning “foreign,” this classic and solid Hispanic name has stood the test of time in Mexico and the United States.

119. Clara. The name Clara (pronounced KLAH-rah) is the feminine and Latin form of the name Clarus, which means “clear, bright” or “famous.”

120. Carolina. This name relates to Caroline, but it’s actually the feminine form of the name Carolus. Both originate from the German moniker Karl, which means “man.”

121. Irene. Although spelled the same as the English name, Irene, in Mexico and some other Hispanic and Latin American countries, it’s pronounced ee-REH-nah. It’s derived from a Greek word meaning "peace."

122. Irma. From a German word that means “whole” or “universe,” this moniker is related to the English name Emma and is pronounced EER-mah.

123. Juliana. Spelled the same in its English counterpart, in Mexico, Juliana is pronounced hoo-LYAH-nah. As the feminine form of Julian and Julius, the name relates to the Roman god Jupiter, and is quite a common Mexican girls’ name.

124. Margarita. Coming from the name Margaret, Margarita has a Spanish meaning of “daisy flower” and a Latin meaning of “pearl.”

125. Mariana. Similar to the English name Marianne, Mariana is a common Mexican girls’ name that combines the monikers María and Ana. The former means “beloved” and the latter “grace.”

126. Martha. From Aramaic, this name means “the lady” or the feminine form of “the master.”

127. Miranda. This striking name is derived from the Latin word mirandus, which means “extraordinary” or “to be admired.” It’s pronounced mee-RAHN-dah.

128. Patricia. This is the feminine form of the Latin name Patricius, which means “noble one.” Pronounced pah-TREE-syah, you can shorten the name to Paty or Pat.

129. Teresa. This warm and inviting name is a form of Theresa, which is found in several languages. The meaning may be “summer” from the Greek language, or “to harvest.” Some also think it means “saint’s name.” It’s pronounced teh-REH-sah.

130. Vanessa. Both the meaning and the sound of this name are beautiful. Vanessa means “butterfly” and is pronounced bah-NEH-sah.

Indigenous Boy and Girl Names Found in Mexico

If you’d like to find something traditional and unique to honor your Mexican heritage or indigenous ancestry, you could opt for an ancient name from one of the 62 native communities in Mexico. You’ll find a number of indigenous Mexican names for boys and girls with sweet sounds or powerful meanings, typically related to nature. As a bonus, many offer options for unisex baby names.

131. Anam. From the Mayan Huasteco community, the name Anam means “Earth.” It’s typically used for girls.

132. Bimorí. Another girls’ name, Bimorí means “fog” and comes from the Tarahumara community, also known as Rarámuri. This indigenous community originated in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

133. Citlali. The Nahuas make up Mexico’s largest indigenous community and the second largest in El Salvador. In this community, the name Citlali means “star” and is typically given to a girl.

134. Erendirani. In central Michoacán is the Purépecha indigenous community, also called the Tarascans. In their language, the unisex name Erendirani means “happy.”

135. Hasen. Another unisex name, Hasen means “soul” and comes from the Mazateco indigenous community in northern Oaxaca.

136. Hedía. As a boys’ name meaning “god of wind,” Hedía is from Mexico’s central plateau and the Otomi indigenous community.

137. Ikal. If you’d like a Mayan name, Ikal means “spirit” and is usually used for boys. The Mayan civilization once extended over vast territories, mostly in present-day southeastern Mexico, plus all of Guatemala and Belize and portions of Honduras and El Salvador.

138. Iktan. Another Mayan name, Iktan means “clever” and is a unisex name.

139. Malinalli. As a girls’ name, Malinalli means “small plant” and also comes from the Nahua community, Mexico’s largest indigenous people.

140. Masawa. The boys’ name Masawa has quite a poetic meaning, “evening wind.” It comes from the Popoluca indigenous community in southeastern Veracruz and Oaxaca.

141. Naran. This unisex name means “lunar eclipse.” It comes from the Triqui indigenous community in Oaxaca.

142. Polo. Short and sweet, Polo comes from the Mayan Kʼicheʼ (previously known as Quiché) indigenous community. The name is typically used for boys and means “sea.”

143. Rahui. Another boys’ name, Rahui comes from the Tarahumara indigenous community in Northern Mexico and means “day.”

144. Séneca. Traditionally a boys’ name, Séneca means “spring,” as in a source of water. It comes from the Mayo (Yoeme) indigenous community in the state of Sonora where you’ll find the Mayo River.

145. Sesasi. This girls’ moniker is also a Purépecha name, and it simply means “pretty.”

146. Seti. From the Mazeteco indigenous tribe in Oaxaca, this unisex name means “bright,” so it’s perfect for a new baby!

147. Suré. Another Tarahumara moniker, Suré is a unisex name that has the very sweet meaning “has heart.”

148. Tanok. This boys’ name comes from the Tepehuano indigenous community found in several parts of Mexico, though mostly in the northern and western regions. Tanok means “sun.”

149. Yatzil. Another Mayan name for a girl, Yatzil means “loved one.”

150. Yooko. Meaning “tiger,” this boys’ name comes from the indigenous community known as Yaqui, Hiaki, or Yoeme in northern Mexico.

The Bottom Line

We hope this list of popular, cute, and unique Mexican baby names (and other adorable names found in Mexico and across Latin America) has helped you in your search for you little one’s perfect moniker. But if you’re looking for even more inspiration, check out our Baby Name Generator below, where you can filter and search through thousands of names!

Or, you can always peruse some of our other baby name lists inspired by languages, such as French boy names or French girl names. We also have articles on Japanese girl names and Italian boy names!

But, if still in doubt, consider enlisting the help of your family and friends by hosting a fun baby naming party. You never know what cute monikers your loving community will come up with!