Baby Ingrown Toenails

While giving your baby a bath or playing "This Little Piggy" with their adorable toes, you might notice something that looks like a baby ingrown toenail. Is it really an ingrown toenail? What should you do about it? And why did it happen in the first place? We've got the answers to these common questions right here. 

What Is an Ingrown Toenail?

An ingrown toenail happens when the corners of the nail grow into the surrounding skin. It's more likely to occur with the big toe than the other toes. 

Can Babies Get Ingrown Toenails?

Yes, babies can develop ingrown toenails, but sometimes the nail might just appear to be ingrown without actually being so. This is because baby nails are soft and pliable and may curve in at the edges. Unless the toenail is red and swollen, it might not be ingrown. If you're unsure, your little one's healthcare provider can take a look and let you know. 

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of an Ingrown Toenail?

Here are some signs that your baby may have an ingrown toenail: 

  • Redness and swelling around the area 

  • Pain or tenderness around the toenail, especially when touched 

  • Pus or yellow fluid where the toenail is ingrown 

  • A feeling of pressure when wearing shoes (keep in mind your little one needs shoes only once they're walking outside; read more about your baby's first shoes here). 

What Are the Causes of an Ingrown Toenail?

Ingrown toenails can develop when: 

  • The toenail is so sharp that it digs into the skin, leading to an infection 

  • The corners of the toenail keep growing deeper into the toe 

  • The toenails have been trimmed too short or the edges have been rounded 

  • Shoes are too tight (in older babies and children)

How Do You Treat Your Baby's Ingrown Toenail?

If the skin around your baby's toenail is red and swollen, indicating a possible baby ingrown toenail, but there's no oozing pus and your little one doesn't have a fever, you can try this home remedy: 

  • Soak your baby's toes in warm, soapy water for 20 minutes twice daily (never leave your baby unattended near water; stay with them the entire time) 

  • While soaking, gently massage the swollen area around the cuticle (the skin next to the nail) 

  • Try to carefully bend the toenail up and out of the cuticle 

  • Dry your baby's foot completely 

  • Apply an over-the-counter antibiotic cream on the affected toenail area to help prevent or treat an infection 

How Can You Prevent Your Baby from Having Ingrown Toenails?

Here's how you can help prevent your baby from getting an ingrown toenail in the future: 

  • Always trim the toenails straight across 

  • Don't round off the corners 

  • Don't cut the toenails too short 

  • After baths, your baby's toenails will be soft, which is the best time to check on them and gently bend the corners upward if they appear to be starting to grow inward 

What Can Happen If You Leave an Ingrown Toenail Untreated?

Besides being sore and uncomfortable for your little one, an ingrown toenail left untreated can lead to an infection. Infections can be serious, especially if your baby has other underlying health conditions. 

When Should You See Your Baby’s Healthcare Provider?

You should see your baby's healthcare provider if the baby ingrown toenail gets infected. If the toenail is red, swollen, tender to touch, and seems to be draining pus, it's most likely infected. 

Your baby's healthcare provider may remove the ingrown part of the nail so it can heal properly and may prescribe an antibiotic to treat the infection. 

If your baby has a fever, the redness spreads beyond the toe, or their symptoms aren't getting better after a week of home care, get in touch with your pediatrician right away. 

The Bottom Line

Noticing an ingrown toenail on your little one can be concerning, but it’s usually treatable at home or with help from a healthcare provider. Early treatment, like soaking the nail and gently lifting it, can prevent infection. If at-home care isn’t enough, a quick visit to your baby’s provider can resolve it in no time. While you focus on their care, the Pampers Rewards App can help you save on baby essentials with exclusive discounts and digital offers! 

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.