When Do Babies Start Teething? Your Baby’s Teething Timeline

Christopher B. Peltier

Your baby's first tooth and those adorable toothy grins are milestones you'll look for and treasure. If you're wondering when do babies get their first tooth, it's good to know that the timing and age of teething varies widely from baby to baby. Read on to discover when your baby may start teething, the signs and symptoms of teething, how long teething typically lasts, and much more.

When Do Babies Start Teething?

Teething often starts when babies are between 6 and 12 months old, though in some cases those first teeth may appear earlier or even a little later. In some very rare cases newborn babies may be born with a tooth already erupted, or have a tooth come through in the first few weeks.

Look out for signs of teething, such as tender gums, drooling, or gnawing on a fist or finger, which may indicate that you’ll soon be seeing a tooth emerge.

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How Long Does Teething Last?

The duration of the teething process can vary. At some point between your child's second and third birthdays, however, your little one will have a full set of 20 primary teeth. This means the total teething period lasts about two years.

So, how long does teething pain last? If your little one has teething discomfort, know that this will probably come and go. Teething symptoms are typically experienced in the days before a tooth erupts; then the soreness subsides until a new tooth starts to come

How Many Baby Teeth Will Appear in Total?

Your little one’s first set of teeth are known as primary, milk teeth, or baby teeth. By the time they’re 2 and a half to 3 years old, they will have a full set of 20 baby teeth.

When your child is around 6 or 7 years old, the baby teeth will start falling out to make way for their permanent teeth, sometimes called secondary teeth. It takes many years for all 32 secondary teeth to come in, so for a while, your child will have a mix of primary and secondary teeth.

Teething Timeline: From First Tooth to Full Smile

When each tooth comes in and in what order varies from child to child, but here’s a general idea of the teething timeline by age:

Top Teeth

  • Central incisors (the front teeth): 8 to 12 months

  • Lateral incisors (the teeth on either side of the front teeth): 9 to 13 months

  • Canines, or cuspids (the sharp, pointy teeth on either side of the lateral incisors): 16 to 22 months

  • First molars (the back teeth used to grind food): 13 to 19 months

  • Second molars (the back teeth that fill in the last gaps): 25 to 33 months

Bottom Teeth

  • Central incisors (the front teeth): 6 to 10 months

  • Lateral incisors (the teeth on either side of the front teeth): 10 to 16 months

  • Canines, or cuspids (the sharp, pointy teeth on either side of the lateral incisors): 17 to 23 months

  • First molars (the back teeth used to grind food): 14 to 18 months

  • Second molars (the back teeth that fill in the last gaps): 23 to 31 months

Signs and Symptoms of Teething

Sometimes a tooth may appear without any symptoms at all, while in other cases signs of teething could start about three to four days before the tooth itself is visible.

As the baby teeth grow and break through the gums, teething symptoms can include:

  • Irritability. Your little one might seem a little fussier and may cry more than usual.

  • Disturbed sleep. Teething pain or discomfort may cause your baby to wake up during the night.

  • More drooling. It’s common for a teething baby to drool a lot when teething. Experts say the extra saliva can help soothe the tender gums.

  • Chewing on things. When your baby is teething, they may gnaw on toys, a teething ring, or even their own fingers to help relieve the pressure they feel on their gums. Chewing on something firm helps massage the gums and helps ease any discomfort as the tooth tries to erupt.

  • Sore, swollen gums. When teething, your baby’s gums where a tooth is coming through may be tender, red, and swollen.

  • Low-grade temperature. During teething, your little one’s temperature may be slightly elevated, but teething is unlikely to cause a fever higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit. If your baby seems very uncomfortable or has a temperature of at least 101 degrees (or at least 100.4 degrees for a baby under 2 months), contact your little one’s healthcare provider, who can determine what's causing the fever.

What’s Normal and What’s Not During Teething

As we mentioned above, the normal symptoms of teething in babies generally include mild discomfort and irritability, red swollen gums, drooling, a slight rise in temperature, and chewing on fingers and objects. However, it’s important to distinguish normal symptoms from those that may indicate something else is going on. Here are some signs that your baby’s symptoms are from something other than teething:

  • Does teething cause fever? Experts emphasize that teething does not cause high fevers. A mild temperature increase (under 100.4°F/38°C) may occur, but if your baby has a true fever, it’s likely due to another illness, not teething.

  • Can teething cause diarrhea or a runny nose? Teething is not known to cause these symptoms. Diarrhea or nasal congestion may indicate a viral infection, which often coincides with teething but is unrelated.

  • Can teething cause vomiting or significant changes in appetite? Vomiting is also not a common symptom of teething and should be checked by a healthcare provider.

  • Can teething cause a face rash? While drooling can lead to rashes around the mouth, more widespread or severe rashes could suggest other conditions, such as an allergic reaction or skin irritation.

Fevers, diarrhea, runny noses, and vomiting are not typical teething symptoms and should be addressed with your baby’s healthcare provider.

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How to Help Soothe Your Teething Baby: Teething Remedies

Teething can be uncomfortable for some babies, and as there’s no magic technique that works for every child, you may have to experiment to find something that helps your little one feel better. Among the many ways to soothe your teething baby are these two quick teething remedies:

  • Give a teething ring. Chewing on teething toys lets your teething baby massage their own gums. Some types can be cooled in the fridge to give extra relief, but don’t put a teething ring in the freezer—this can make it too hard and cold for your little one’s sensitive gums. To keep your little one safe, never tie a teething ring to a string that’s looped around your baby’s neck or clipped to their top.

  • Massage your baby’s gums. For gum pain relief, use a clean finger and gently massage your baby’s gums for an easy home remedy for sore gums.

  • Medications: Usually, the above remedies work and babies do not require medication for teething.  However, if symptoms don’t improve, you can give acetaminophen or ibuprofen (only give ibuprofen if your baby is 6 months or older).  If you think your baby needs medication for more than 2 days, you should call your healthcare provider.  Teething gels should not be used as they can cause seizures, brain injuries, heart problems or death.

  • Avoid teething necklaces and beads.  They can result in choking or strangulation.

Caring for Your Baby’s New Teeth: Essential Tips

It’s important to start caring for your baby’s teeth (or tooth) as soon as the first one pokes through. Those baby teeth must last several years before they’re replaced with adult teeth, and establishing good dental hygiene habits early on will help set your little one up for healthy teeth and gums throughout their life. Taking steps to prevent cavities and tooth decay in the baby teeth is just as important as it is with adult teeth, because decay in these teeth can affect the permanent teeth that follow and cause other dental problems like pain and infections. Read on to discover when to start brushing your baby’s teeth and more care tips.

Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth

Regular brushing is an important part of dental care from the moment your little one gets their first tooth. The key at this stage is to gently clean baby teeth twice a day and to get your little one used to the brushing routine. Here are some guidelines for brushing your baby’s teeth, as well as some tips on teaching your older child how to get the job done, with your help:

  • Brush at least twice a day, always brushing after your child has had anything sugary as well as after the last meal or drink of the day

  • Put a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste on a soft-bristled toothbrush designed for your baby’s age. Carefully brush each tooth, making sure to reach all the surfaces, including the sides and the inside surface. Once your child is about 2 or 3 years old you can start using a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. You'll need to teach them how to rinse and spit, rather than swallowing the toothpaste.

  • The direction of the brush stroke doesn’t really matter. The key is to clean each tooth from all angles, making sure you reach the back teeth as well

  • For now, you’ll need to brush your baby’s teeth. As they reach the toddler and preschool stage, help them begin to brush their own teeth, under your close supervision. You'll need to lend a hand until they’re 7 or 8 years old to ensure those teeth get a thorough clean. Here are some ideas for how to make brushing more fun for both of you.


Your little one’s diet is a big part of dental health. Avoid giving your child sugary drinks like fruit juice and sodas, or sticky sweet snacks like gum, toffee, and sticky caramel. Also, don’t let your baby fall asleep with a bottle or sippy cup of milk, formula, juice, or any other sweet drink, as this can cause the sugary liquid to pool in his mouth and lead to tooth decay.

For more on caring for your baby’s teeth, check out our article on dental care for children.

Dental Checkups

Getting professional care from a dentist is crucial for the healthy development of your child’s teeth, mouth, and gums. Usually, the first dentist visit should take place within about six months of the first tooth poking through or by the time your child is 12 months old, whichever comes first. If you do not have a pediatric dentist available, your pediatrician can serve as your child’s dental home until your child reaches the age of 3 and can see a family dentist.

Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, you can make an appointment at any time. Your baby’s healthcare provider will also check your baby’s teeth and gums at his regular well-child checkups.

When to See Your Baby’s Healthcare Provider

If your little one is showing symptoms like fever, irritability, or diarrhea, or any other signs of childhood illness, and you’re not sure whether it’s related to teething or something else, it’s safest to call your healthcare provider so an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan can be made.

You should also contact your baby’s healthcare provider if you’re concerned about how much discomfort your baby is in because of teething. The provider may recommend some form of pain relief while also making sure that nothing else is wrong to cause elevated levels of pain or discomfort. Do not use teething gels to numb the gums, as these may be dangerous.

You'll also want to consult your baby’s healthcare provider or dentist if your baby has a tooth problem or injury, such as a broken or chipped tooth.

Interesting Facts About Baby Teeth

Want to know more about teething and those white-as-can-be baby teeth? Here are some fun facts about your little one’s teeth:

  • On average, about four teeth will poke through every six months during the teething process

  • Girls' teeth may erupt a little sooner than boys' teeth

  • The bottom teeth tend to erupt before the same type of tooth on the top

  • Teeth usually erupt in symmetrical pairs; in other words, one tooth on the right side of the jaw and the same type of tooth on the left side of the jaw will poke through at roughly the same time

  • Your child’s primary teeth are smaller and whiter than the permanent teeth that will replace them in a few years’ time

  • From around the age of 4, your child’s face and jaw will begin to grow and change shape, and this will create gaps in his smile as the baby teeth won’t catch up in size. This is completely normal—it’s the mouth’s way of making space for the bigger adult teeth that will follow.

  • Your baby’s secondary teeth will be coming in when they’re about 7 or 8 years old. Because it will take a little while before your child has a full set of adult teeth, for several years your child will have a mix of baby and adult teeth.

  • Wondering how many teeth do babies have? Your baby has 20 primary teeth but will have many more secondary teeth. By the time your child is in their teens or early 20s, they’ll have between 28 and 32 adult teeth.

The Bottom Line

Teething can sometimes be a challenging time for your baby and you. Try to keep in mind how important those teeth are, helping your child chew and bite into the nutritious foods that are fueling his growth and development.

If you’re still waiting for that first tooth, know that it will be here soon enough, and more will be on the way. Each new tooth that emerges will make that smile even more adorable than it was before. Take good care of your baby’s tiny teeth and before you know it the gaps in your little one’s smile will be filled in with some of the cutest, whitest teeth you’ve ever seen!

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

About Christopher B. Peltier

Pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of Mount Carmel, Inc.; Cincinnati, OH

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