FAQ: When Do Babies Hold Their Head Up?

As your baby grows from a seemingly fragile newborn to an independent toddler, you'll marvel at all the physical changes along the way.

One of these will be when your baby can hold their head up on their own without your support. This will be a wonderful developmental milestone to see, but you may be wondering, when do babies start holding their head up?

Find out when your baby is likely to be able to hold their head up, what you can do to help them develop head control, and why it's important for you to support their head in the meantime.

When Can Babies Hold Their Head Up?

When your little one reaches about 4 months old, you may be delighted to see them hold their head and chest up as they lean on their elbows while lying on their tummy. 

It's a big moment when you see that your baby can start holding their head up. They have reached a major milestone because now they have the freedom to look any which way they please.

Keep in mind that every baby is different and develops at a different rate. Your baby may reach this milestone a little earlier or later than this.

How Does Your Baby Develop the Strength to Hold Her Head Up?

When your baby is between 1 and 3 months old, they'll be gradually gaining the strength needed to hold their head up.

By around 2 months, while they're lying on their stomach, you might notice they can lift their head for just a few seconds at a time.

These brief moments help strengthen the muscles in the back of their neck. Eventually, they'll also start to develop control of the front neck muscles for total head and neck control.

What Are Some Other Developments Around the Time Your Baby Starts to Hold His Head Up?

You can also look forward to the following forms of physical development around the time your baby starts holding their head up :

  • Your baby's abdominal muscles will be getting stronger, which means they'll be able to raise their head and chest when lying on their back.

  • Your baby's legs will become stronger as their kicks go from being reflexive to forceful, and their legs will begin to lose the bowing they had when they were a newborn.

  • Your baby will be able to roll over, which also means it's worth keeping a close eye and a hand on your little one when they're up above floor level, such as when they're on the changing table.

How Can You Help Your Baby Develop Her Head Control?

To help your baby strengthen the neck and back muscles needed to hold their head up independently, give your baby tummy time every day. An ideal time to start tummy time is soon after you bring your baby home from the hospital.

Tummy time involves laying your baby on their stomach two to three times a day for short periods, such as three to five minutes, with your close supervision.

Daily tummy time sessions can help your baby strengthen their neck, back, and shoulder muscles as they crane to look up at you. And you can even dangle toys in front of them to encourage them to look up and engage those muscles.

How Should You Support Your Baby’s Head in the Meantime?

In your baby's first few months, you'll need to carry them carefully to ensure their head doesn't flop from side to side or front to back.

Cradle your baby's head when carrying them in the lying position and support their head and neck when carrying them upright.

Eventually, they'll be able to hold their head up, and you will no longer need to provide this type of support.

When Can You Stop Supporting Your Baby’s Head?

By the time your baby is about 4 months old, they will likely be able to hold up their head and chest as they support themselves on their elbows. This will be a nice change for you, as you won't have to support your baby's head as much as you did before when carrying them. This will be a nice change for you, as you won't have to support your baby's head as much as you did before when carrying them.

Even so, it's important to watch out for sudden or forceful movements when carrying your baby. Carry them carefully and steadily when moving from place to place.

What if Your Baby Isn’t Able to Hold His Head Up Yet?

It's natural for some babies to develop a little earlier or later than others, as each baby is unique. However, if you're curious about when do babies start holding their head up and you think your baby isn't mastering head and neck control by around 4 months old, check in with their healthcare provider.

Try not to worry unnecessarily, though. Instead, consult your healthcare provider, who will be able to track your little one's development, notice any issues, and recommend the right treatment options where necessary.

The Bottom Line

Watching your baby reach each developmental milestone will fill you with pride and joy. Improved head and neck control, including when a baby can hold their head up, is just one of the things you have to look forward to. In no time at all, your baby will be crawling, walking, talking, and so much more! In no time at all, your baby will be crawling, walking, talking, and so much more!

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How we wrote this article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.