How to Prevent and Stop Baby Hiccups

Terri L. Major-Kincade

It’s not unusual for your newborn or older infant to get hiccups from time to time. Most babies do! Hiccups are usually nothing to worry about, and you can do a couple of simple things to help prevent them. When hiccups occur, they’ll usually go away on their own after a few minutes but read on to find out why newborns get hiccups, and how you can help alleviate or prevent them.

What Causes Hiccups in Newborns and Babies?

Babies get hiccups from time to time. You may have even noticed your baby hiccupping when you were pregnant. This may have felt like quick, rhythmic jerks in your uterus. In any case, hiccups are usually nothing to worry about.

So, why do newborns and older infants get hiccups? Hiccups are caused by your baby’s diaphragm moving in a twitchy way or having spasms when irritated. The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of your baby’s chest that relaxes and contracts to help them breathe.

When the diaphragm gets irritated, it might involuntarily contract, quickly causing air to get sucked in a little more forcefully than a usual breath. When this force of air hits your baby’s vocal cords, they close suddenly. That’s what can make that little “hiccup” sound.

You might notice that your newborn gets hiccups after feeding. This is because their diaphragm might become irritated if they eat too fast or too much or if they feel excited or nervous about something.

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How Long Do Newborn Hiccups Last?

In general, hiccups only last for a few minutes, before going away on their own. In some rare cases, hiccups may last for days or months. If you notice your baby’s hiccups aren’t going away and you’ve tried the tips below, contact your healthcare provider for more advice.

How to Get Rid of Baby and Newborn Hiccups

If your baby gets hiccups during feeding, stop and try to burp them or change their position. In general, try to help your little one relax.

Hiccups usually go away on their own, but if they haven’t gone away after about 5 or 10 minutes, begin feeding your baby again, which may help bring relief.

When your little one has hiccups, it probably won’t bother them too much. You can help your baby feel relaxed and as comfortable as possible by having some easy playtime, gently rocking them, and making sure their diaper is clean.

Best Positions to Get Rid of Newborn and Baby Hiccups

To help stop your baby’s hiccups during feeding, try positioning them in a more upright position. This may help them swallow less air while feeding. You could use a pillow to support and prop them up.

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How to Help Prevent Baby and Newborn Hiccups

If your baby tends to get hiccups at feeding times, make sure they are calm and not overly hungry when you feed them. This typically decreases the chances of getting hiccups during feeds. 

You might also consider burping your baby more often, such as after every 2 to 3 ounces of formula or before switching sides while nursing.

Your baby’s healthcare provider can also provide guidance and reassurance about what to do to help prevent hiccups some of the time. If you have a well-baby checkup coming up soon, you could even ask about it then.

When to Contact Your Healthcare Provider

Hiccups in babies are generally normal and nothing to be concerned about. They usually go away on their own; however, if your baby’s hiccups last several hours without going away, or are accompanied by coughing and spitting up, contact your healthcare provider for more advice.

The Bottom Line

When your little one gets hiccups, remember that it’s usually nothing to worry about. Try to slow down their feeding and help them feel calm and relaxed. Maybe you can stop for a little tummy time

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How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

About Terri L. Major-Kincade

Neonatologist, Pediatrician, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at UT Health Houston, McGovern Medical School; Houston, TX

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