FAQ: Heat Rash in Babies and Toddlers

Christopher B. Peltier

It's tough to see your little one come down with heat rash, which can be super uncomfortable, especially if it's on their face, they have heat bumps on their body, or there's itching involved. Although adults can get heat rash too, heat rash in babies and toddlers is more common because they're more susceptible to it. 

Read on to learn about the causes of heat rash in babies, the types of home remedies that could be effective, and when you may need to see your child's healthcare provider for treatment.

What Is Heat Rash?

Heat rash happens when blocked sweat ducts prevent sweat from evaporating. Instead, it gets trapped under the skin and causes red or fluid-filled bumps. Heat rash is most common in babies, toddlers, and young kids during hot and humid weather.

What Causes Heat Rash?

Here are a few factors that can cause heat rash or make it more likely to develop: 

  • Immature sweat ducts. A newborn baby has a higher risk of getting heat rash because their sweat ducts are still developing, leading to newborn heat rash. If your baby is in an NICU incubator, has a fever, or is simply overdressed, heat rash may be more likely to develop. 

  • Hot weather. Heat rash is more common in hot, humid climates. 

  • Physical exercise. Physical activity that makes your kid sweat can lead to heat rash. 

  • Overdressing. Overheating due to wearing too many layers of clothing or sleeping under too many blankets can cause heat rash in babies.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of the Different Types of Heat Rash?

Heat rash on a baby often appears as tiny red bumps around their pores, especially in areas where their skin tends to get moist or in spots where clothing causes friction, like the folds of their neck, upper chest, arms, legs, and diaper area. 

There are several types of heat rash: 

  • Miliaria crystallina. This is the mildest form of heat rash, affecting the top layer of skin. It looks like clear, fluid-filled blisters or bumps that break open easily. 

  • Miliaria rubra. This type of heat rash occurs deeper in the skin and is referred to as "prickly heat" because its symptoms include an itching or prickly feeling in addition to bumps. 

  • Miliaria pustulosa. This type of heat rash comes with inflammation leading to the blisters filling with pus. 

  • Miliaria profunda. This less common type of heat rash affects a deep layer of skin, creating firm lesions that look like goose bumps.

How Can You Treat Heat Rash?

Heat rash in babies isn't usually serious, and it normally goes away on its own without special skin care or treatment other than cooling the affected area.But there are a few home remedies you can try to keep your little one comfortable: 

It's best not to use ointments on your child's heat rash because these can block the sweat ducts further. If these remedies don't work to improve baby heat rash, ask your healthcare provider for advice. 

Can You Prevent Heat Rash?

You can help prevent heat rash by taking the following precautions:

  • In hot weather, dress your child in soft, lightweight cotton clothing. In cold weather, avoid overdressing your child with more layers of clothing than you would wear yourself.

  • Generally, avoid dressing your child in tight-fitting clothing, which can cause friction and irritate his skin.

  • If it’s hot outside, keep your child in the shade. If it’s hot inside, use a fan or air-conditioner to keep the air cool and comfortable.

  • Keep your child’s bedroom or napping area well ventilated and cool.

When Should You Contact Your Child’s Healthcare Provider?

Heat rash usually goes away in just a few days without causing problems, but if your baby's symptoms last longer or the rash seems to be getting infected, contact their healthcare provider for advice and treatment. 

Signs of an infection include: 

  • Pain and swelling in the area of your child's rash 

  • Pus-filled blisters 

  • Swollen lymph nodes 

  • Fever or chills

It might be tough seeing your child in discomfort from a heat rash—but just know that it'll go away soon enough. Although heat rash in babies can't always be avoided, there are some easy steps you can take to reduce the risk, and it's worth keeping these in mind, especially during the warmer months. To enjoy exclusive rewards and discounts, consider downloading the Pampers Rewards App for your Pampers purchases.

How we wrote this article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

About Christopher B. Peltier

Pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of Mount Carmel, Inc.; Cincinnati, OH

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